Compile Clamav For Mac

ClamXAV is a highly trusted anti-virus and malware scanner for macOS. It detects threats and keeps the Mac in your home clean, safe and virus-free. It also ensures you don’t pass on security threats and nasty viruses to anyone else. The MacPorts Project Official Homepage. The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system.To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to.

Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV) is a free, cross-platform antivirus tool-kit able to detect many types of malicious software, including viruses. One of its main uses is on mailservers as a server-side email virus scanner. The application was developed for Unix and has third party versions available for AIX, BSD, HP-UX, LINUX, MAC OS X, openVMS, OSF (Tru64) and Solaris.Here in this section we will try to automate the entire Process of clamAv using cronjob.We are using Red-hat enterprises Linux platform to test this.

Compile openlldp for Mac OS X As often, there are several tools to integrate the LLDP. The solution recommended in this post is to compile OpenLLDP with Mac OS X and use the application to retrieve information about the network location. Before you begin this step, it is necessary to install Xcode from the Mac App Store and the “Command Line. How to install clamav on your Mac? The easiest way to get the ClamAV package is using Homebrew.

Step 1: Install ClamAV

We can use yum command to install clamav in the server.

# yum install clamav clamav-db clamd

Try to start the clamav by typing the command below.

# /etc/init.d/clamd start

This automatically sets up a daily cron job which runs fresh clam to update virus definitions.

Step 2 : Create new cron jobs to run daily virus scans

First we need to create a file clamscan_daily in cron.daily folder.It will help us to paste our script in this file,all the files or scripts in this folder will run automatically daily.

Create a clamscan_daily file in the folder cron.daily

Clamav Mac Download

#vi /etc/cron.daily/clamscan_daily

Paste the below script in the file and save.


# email subject


# Email To ?


# Log location


check_scan () {

# Check the last set of results. If there are any “Infected” counts that aren’t zero, we have a problem.

if [ `tail -n 12 ${LOG} | grep Infected | grep -v 0 | wc -l` != 0 ]


EMAILMESSAGE=`mktemp /tmp/virus-alert.XXXXX`

echo “To: ${EMAIL}” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

echo “From:” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

echo “Subject: ${SUBJECT}” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

echo “Importance: High” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

echo “X-Priority: 1” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

echo “`tail -n 50 ${LOG}`” >> ${EMAILMESSAGE}

sendmail -t < ${EMAILMESSAGE}



Compile clamav for mac windows 10

clamscan -r / –exclude-dir=/sys/ –quiet –infected log=${LOG}

Step 3 : set-up proper permission to the file

#chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/clamscan_hourly

This steps will help to setup automation of clamav in the server and reports are send directly to the email given in the script.

If you require help, contact SupportPRO Server Admin

Hi there. I did read the archives and couldn't find anything about my
We have two older macs, a G3 running OS 8.6 and a G4 running 9.2. I believe
we have a microsoft word virus that I would like to get rid of. Is there a
version of Clamav that will work on these old operating systems? I've found
the list of downloads of various versions from 0.70 to 0.95.2 and had a
quick look at some of the info/notes for the versions, but it doesn't say
what operating system they are suitable for.
If someone could please advise me, I would be more grateful.
Julie in the antique Mac office, Northumberland

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